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NCRA Compute Cluster (Bhima) | User Document
We are using OpenPBS (Portable Batch System) for NCRA Compute Cluster for workload management sys...
NextCloud and WM1 Account
Please find the following attachment for instructions nexcloud_howTo.pdf This facility en...
Bhima Login Password Reset/Update
There are 2 ways that you can update/reset the bhima login password 1. Using SSH Login to yo...
Compute Servers Tapti | Kaveri | fs1 | fs2 Usage
Introduction NCRA has four common user-accessible compute servers, whi...
NCRA Computer Facilities- FAQ's
How can I get access to NCRA Computers? You need to fill the Computer Application Form - ...
Basic FAQ for Linux Users
1. How do I log in to a remote server using SSH? Command: ssh username@hostname Explanati...